Digital Marketing Training in Hyderabad


100% Placement Assistance

Digital Marketing Training in Hyderabad

Batch Details

Details Name Full Details
Trainers Name:
Aditya, Swetha
Trainers Experience:
10+ Years, 22+ Years
Next Batch Date:
15th of Every Month New Batch Starts
Training Modes:
Online and offline Training (Instructor-Led)
Course Duration:
3 months (offline & online)
Call us at:
+91 90320 18369
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Digital Marketing Course Content

Module 1 : Introduction to AI
  1. AI vs ML vs DL vs NLP vs Generative AI
  2. Generative AI principles
  3. Role of ML in Generative AI
  4. Different ML techniques (Supervised, Unsupervised, Semi-supervised, Reinforcement Learning)
  5. Applications in various domains
  6. Ethical considerations
Module 2 : NLP and Deep Learning
  1. Basic NLP tasks
  2. NLP essentials
  3. Different text classification approaches
  4. Frequency based: TF-IDF, BoW, N-gram
  5. Distribution Models: CBOW, Skipgram (Traditional approaches), Word2Vec, GloVe
  6. Ensemble and traditional Machine learning Models: Naive Bayes, SVM, Logistic Regression, Decision
  7. Deep learning techniques: CNNs, RNNs, LSTMs, GRU, Transformers
Module 3 : Generative AI models
  1. VAE’s and applications
  2. Autoencoders
  3. GAN’s and its applications
  4. Different types of GAN’s and applications
  5. Language Models and Transformer models
  6. Different types of Language models
  7. Applications of Language models
  8. Transformers and its architecture
  9. BERT, RoBERTa, GPT variations
  10. Applications of transformer models and Hugging face
Module 4 : Prompt Engineering
  1. Different principles of Prompt Engineering
  2. What is Prompt Engineering
  3. Types of Different Prompt Engineering techniques
  4. Crafting effective prompts to LLMs
  5. Priming Prompt
  6. Prompt Decomposition
Module 5 : Generative AI Lifecycle and LLMs working procedure
  1. Generative AI lifecycle
  2. What is RLHF
  3. LLM pre-training and scaling
  4. Different fine-tuning techniques
Module 6 : Different Embeddings and Techniques
  1. Use cases of word embeddings
  2. Word embeddings
  3. Word Embeddings: Word2Vec, GloVe, FastText
  4. Contextual Embeddings: ELMo, BERT, GPT
  5. Sentence Embeddings: Doc2Vec, Infersent, Universal Sentence Encoder
  6. Subword Embeddings: BPE (Byte Pair Encoding), Sentence Piece
  7. Use case of Embeddings
Module 7 : Different chunk metrics
  1. Use of chunking the document
  2. Chunking
  3. Traditional effective chunking techniques
  4. Problems and limitations with traditional chunking techniques
  5. Overcoming limitations of Traditional chunking
  6. Advanced chunking techniques:
  7. Character splitting
  8. Recursive character splitting
  9. Document based chunking
  10. Semantic Chunking
  11. Agentic Chunking
Module 8 : RAG and Advanced RA with Langchain
  1. Main components of RAG
  2. What is RAG
  3. High-level architecture of RAG
  4. Building RAG using external data sources
  5. Advanced RAG
Module 9 : Langchain for LLMs
  1. What is Langchain
  2. Core concepts of Langchain
  3. Components of Langchain
  4. How to use Langchain agents
Module 10 : Vector Databases
  1. LlamaIndex
  2. Vector Databases
  3. Why prefer Vector databases over traditional databases
  4. Different types of Vector databases: Open-source and Close Source
  5. Open-source: Chroma DB, Weaviate, Faiss, Qdrant
  6. Close-Source Vector Databases: Pinecone, ArangoDB, Cloud-Based Solutions
Module 11 : Finetuning LLMs
  1. Repurposing-Feature Extraction
  2. Supervised Finetuning
  3. Advanced techniques in Supervised finetuning: PEFT, LoRA, QLoRA
Module 12 : LLM’s on Cloud
  1. Amazon bedrock, Azure OpenAI, GCP

Module 13 : LLMs Evaluation

Text based LLMs:

    1. Automatic Evaluation: BLUE score, ROUGE Score, METEOR, BERT Score
    2. Human Evaluation: Coherence, Factuality, Originality, Engagement
    3. Image based LLMs:
    4. Automatic Evaluation: Pixel-level metrics, FID (Frechet Inception Distance), IS (Inception Score),
      Perceptual Quality Metrics, Diversity Metrics
    5. Human Evaluation: Photorealism, Style, Creativity, Cohesiveness
    6. Audio generation LLMs:
    7. Automatic Evaluation: FAD (Frechet Audio Distance), IS (Inception Score), Perceptual Audio Quality
      Metrics – PAQM, PAQM – SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio), PAQM – PESQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech
    8. Human Evaluation: Perceptual Quality – PQ, PQ – Naturalness, PQ-Fidelity, PQ – Musicality, Task specific
    9. Video Generation LLMs:
    10. Automatic Evaluation: Fréchet Video Distance (FVD), Inception Score (IS), Perceptual Quality Metrics,
    11. Motion-Based Metrics – Optical Flow Error, Content-Specific Metrics
    12. Human Evaluation: Visual Quality, Temporal Coherence, Content Fidelit
Module 14 : LLMops
  1. Scalability and Performance Optimization
  2. Model Deployment and Management
  3. Security and Privacy
  4. Monitoring and Logging
  5. Cost Optimization
  6. Model Interpretability and Explainability
  7. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)
  8. Collaboration and Workflow Management
  9. Regulatory Compliance
  10. Disaster Recovery and Failover
Module 15 : Different AI Tools
  1. ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot, Claude, Perplexity etc.,

Digital Marketing Training In Hyderabad

Key Points

Transform your career with our comprehensive AI training, covering key concepts, innovative algorithms, and practical applications to drive success and accelerate your growth in the field.
Our AI courses offer flexible learning options, including online/offline access and self-paced learning, to fit your busy schedule.
Unlock the Secrets of AI with Our Seasoned Faculty: 10+ Years of Hands-on Experience, Real-World Insights, and a Passion for Empowering the Next Generation of AI Leaders.
Interactive Coding Sessions and Real-World Exercises to Strengthen Your Technical Foundation, Foster Innovation, and Drive AI Excellence.
Bridge the Gap Between Theory and Practice: Apply Your AI Skills to Real-World Challenges and Projects, Driving Innovation and Solving Complex Problems.
Unlock your potential with our Generative AI certification program. Complete our comprehensive training and validate your expertise to stay ahead in the field.
Our Classrooms and Labs Boast Cutting-Edge Technology and Infrastructure, Providing an Immersive and Interactive AI Learning Experience.
Our Generative AI course provides expert instruction and real-world applications at a budget-friendly price, ensuring quality training without financial strain.
Our Placement Support Team Opens Doors to New Opportunities, Providing Personalized Guidance, Resume Building, and Interview Preparation to Land Your Dream AI Job.
Join our free 2-day demo sessions for hands-on AI training and a curriculum preview. Get a head start on your AI journey and explore the latest tools and techniques.

About Digital Marketing Training

in Hyderabad

Are you ready to revolutionize your world with Generative AI? Our course is your gateway to mastering this transformative technology. Whether you’re a curious beginner, a seasoned data scientist, or a forward-thinking business professional, you’ll find invaluable insights and practical skills within this comprehensive curriculum. Delve deep into the heart of Deep Learning as you learn to create intelligent systems that generate human-like text, images, and more. Grasp the core principles, understand the underlying mechanics, and gain hands-on experience in implementing Generative AI models using industry-standard frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch.

Discover how Generative AI is reshaping industries and solving complex challenges. From natural language processing to image generation and beyond, you’ll explore a vast array of applications. By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to drive innovation and seize new opportunities.

Don’t miss this chance to be at the forefront of technological advancement. Enroll now and unlock your potential to shape the future with Generative AI.

What is Digital Marketing?

Generative AI is a revolutionary subset of artificial intelligence that empowers machines to create new content, rather than simply analyzing existing data. These sophisticated algorithms, often employing neural networks, are trained on vast datasets to learn intricate patterns and underlying structures. Once trained, they can generate highly realistic and original outputs across a wide range of modalities, including text, images, music, and even code.

Unlike traditional AI systems that primarily perform classification or prediction tasks, generative AI exhibits a creative capacity, producing entirely novel content that often surpasses human capabilities in certain domains. This groundbreaking technology has far-reaching implications, with potential applications spanning from artistic expression and design to drug discovery, content creation, and beyond. Generative AI is rapidly transforming industries and redefining the boundaries of human creativity and machine intelligence.

Why is Digital Marketing Used?

Content Creation

Generative AI turbocharges content production, swiftly creating diverse formats and elevating quality through data-driven insights that captivate target audiences.

Design and Art

Generative AI turbocharges content production, swiftly creating diverse formats and elevating quality through data-driven insights that captivate target audiences.

Drug Discovery

Generative AI transforms pharmaceuticals by accelerating drug development, optimizing molecular design, and unlocking the potential for more effective and safer treatments.

Business and Industry

Generative AI empowers businesses to deliver personalized customer experiences and optimize operations by leveraging data-driven insights, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and improved efficiency.


Generative AI revolutionizes education with personalized learning experiences and interactive tools, tailoring instruction to individual needs and styles for a more engaging and effective learning journey.

Scientific Research

Generative AI propels scientific progress by accelerating research through hypothesis generation, complex data analysis, and pattern discovery, while also facilitating material discovery through molecular simulation.

Course outline

  • Exploring the Latest in Generative AI Concepts and Applications.

  • Building Fundamental Programming Skills with Python for AI.

  • Understanding Key Mathematical Concepts for AI: Linear Algebra and Probability.

  • Delving into the Essentials of Machine Learning: Supervised and Unsupervised Learning.

  • Mastering Key Generative Models: GPT and GANs in Practice.

  • Applications of Generative AI in NLP: Text Generation and Sentiment Analysis.

  • Hands-On Learning: Applying AI Concepts through Coding Projects.

  • Ethical Implications and Responsible Deployment of AI.

  • Industry Applications: How Generative AI Impacts Healthcare, Finance, and the Arts.

  • Showcasing Innovative AI Projects: Individual and Group Presentations.

Digital Marketing Training Modes

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Basic to advance level

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Daily recorded videos

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Live project included

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Course Material Dumps

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons 100% Placement assistance

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Whatsapp Group Access

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Lifetime Video Access

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Basic to advance level

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Doubt Clearing Session

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Course Material Dumps

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Certification Guidance

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Interview Guidance

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Basic to advance level

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Flexible Batch Timings

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Live project included

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Course Material Dumps

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons 100% Placement assistance

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Whatsapp Group Access

Digital Marketing Course Job support program

AI Career Guidance

Expert AI career counsellors provide personalized guidance and strategic support to help individuals achieve their career goals and build a strong professional network within the AI industry.

AI Network and Community

Connect with top AI companies and successful alumni at exclusive networking events, webinars, and job fairs, and unlock mentorship and career growth opportunities.

Expert Job Search Assistance and Support

Expert guidance on navigating job boards, AI-driven job portals, and niche career platforms to identify and secure job opportunities perfectly aligned with your career goals and aspirations.

Career Advancement Opportunities

Unlock AI expertise with access to cutting-edge resources, expert workshops, and interactive webinars, plus exclusive discounts on advanced courses to accelerate your professional growth.

Expert Guidance Program

Supercharge your AI career with personalized mentorship, featuring expert guidance, valuable insights, and regular sessions to drive growth, tackle challenges, and seize opportunities.

Industry-Specific Workshops

Stay updated on AI trends and tools through our regular workshops, featuring hands-on sessions with industry experts to deepen your practical understanding of AI applications.

Market Trend in Digital Marketing

Cloud AI enables businesses to access AI capabilities without infrastructure investments.
Explainable AI makes decisions transparent and clear now.
Edge AI enables real-time processing for faster decision-making in applications.
NLP unlocks language-based data insights for businesses.
AI ethics ensure transparency, fairness, and accountability in AI systems.
AI revolutionizes healthcare with personalized medicine and predictive analytics.

Student Testimonials Digital Marketing Training

Eazygurus' Generative AI training was a game-changer for me. I can now create stunning content with ease and efficiency, which has taken my digital marketing skills to the next level!
Digital Marketing Specialist
The training was comprehensive and hands-on, covering everything from basics to advanced techniques. I'm now confident in building my own Generative AI models and exploring new applications!
AI Enthusiast
Eazygurus' instructors were knowledgeable, supportive, and always available to answer questions. I gained valuable insights into Generative AI applications and industry use cases!
Data Scientist
The training exceeded my expectations! I can now generate high-quality text and images with Generative AI, which has transformed my content creation process!
Content Creator
Eazygurus' Generative AI training helped me automate content creation, saving me time and increasing productivity. I can now focus on strategic tasks and grow my business!
I was impressed by the depth of knowledge shared during the training. I'm now excited to apply Generative AI in my projects and explore new opportunities!
AI Researcher

Digital Marketing Training In Hyderabad


  • Certified GPT Developer: Build Cutting-Edge Language Models

  • Master Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) with Our Practitioner Certification

  • Responsible AI: Certified Ethics Specialist for AI Deployment

  • Unlock Generative AI Expertise with Our Specialist Certification

  • Certified TensorFlow Expert: Build Generative Models with Ease

  • PyTorch Certification: Unleash the Power of Image Synthesis

  • Certified Generative Model Developer (CGMD): Build Innovative AI Solutions

  • Generative AI Project Management: Certification for Success

  • Advanced NLP for Generative AI: Unleash the Power of Language

  • Certified Generative AI Applications: Unlock Creative Potential

Skills develop after the course

Achieve Language Data Proficiency: Sentiment Analysis, Text Summarization, and Beyond
Create Stunning Realistic Images with GANs: Algorithmic Techniques and Best Practices
Master Python Programming and Leverage TensorFlow and PyTorch for AI Implementation and Deployment
Uncover the Inner Workings of GPT and GANs Models in Generative AI: A Deep Dive
Grasp Essential Machine Learning Concepts for Generative AI Applications and Innovations
Build a Strong Foundation in Math and Statistics for AI Algorithm Development and Problem-Solving

Tools covered

Job opportunities after course

AI Researcher/Scientist
Data Scientist
Machine Learning Engineer
NLP Specialist
AI Product Manager
AI Consultant

Placement program Digital Marketing Training

Network with AI Experts

Unlock valuable industry connections and career growth opportunities through our organized networking events, meet-ups, and webinars with AI experts.

AI Internship Program

Gain hands-on experience in AI applications and secure future employment through our sought-after internship opportunities, providing real-world experience.

Expert Career Advice for AI Professionals

Prepare for job interviews with confidence through our mock interviews and skill assessments, improving communication skills and demonstrating AI concept understanding.

Career Matching Algorithm

Achieve long-term career success with our advanced AI-powered job matching algorithm, making placement more personalized, efficient, and effective.

Resume Enhancement and Expert Guidance

Stand out in the job market with our expert-led workshops, creating effective AI role resumes showcasing relevant projects, achievements, and skills.

Expert-Led Mock Interviews for AI Professionals

Navigate your career path with confidence through our one-on-one sessions, setting goals, making informed decisions, and achieving full potential.

Pre-requisites for Digital Marketing Training

To succeed in this program, participants must possess a solid understanding of basic programming concepts and be proficient in at least one programming language, such as Python. This includes familiarity with data types, variables, control structures, functions, and object-oriented programming.

While the program provides comprehensive coverage of machine learning concepts, having a basic understanding of machine learning principles, including supervised and unsupervised learning, regression, classification, clustering, and common algorithms, will provide a solid foundation and enhance your learning experience.

To ensure participants derive maximum benefit from the course, we have established prerequisites that guarantee a foundational understanding of key concepts, allowing for a more immersive, effective, and successful learning experience.

The Generative AI program provides an immersive learning experience, delving deep into the intricacies of artificial intelligence, enabling participants to gain hands-on expertise, and develop a comprehensive understanding of AI principles, applications, and innovations.

Participants should possess the ability to write, read, and understand code in a programming language, enabling them to engage with the course material, complete assignments, and fully benefit from the learning experience.

A solid grasp of basic programming concepts is a fundamental prerequisite. Participants should be comfortable with at least one programming language, such as Python.

Frequently Asked Questions - Digital Marketing Training

1. What is Generative AI, and how does it work?

Generative AI refers to a type of artificial intelligence that can generate new content, data, or solutions, rather than just analyzing or processing existing ones. It uses complex algorithms and machine learning techniques to create novel outputs, such as images, text, music, or even code.

2. How does Generative AI differ from traditional AI approaches?

Generative AI differs from traditional AI in its ability to create new content, rather than just predicting or classifying existing data. Traditional AI focuses on analyzing and processing data, whereas Generative AI focuses on generating new data or solutions.

3. What are the primary use cases and applications of Generative AI?

Generative AI has various applications, including content creation (text, images, music), data augmentation, chatbots, virtual assistants, and more. It can also be used for generating synthetic data, anonymizing sensitive data, and creating personalized content.

4. What are the necessary prerequisites for learning and mastering Generative AI?

To learn Generative AI, you should have a basic understanding of programming concepts, machine learning fundamentals, and familiarity with deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch.

5. Are there specific tools, software, or technologies used in Generative AI development?

Yes, Generative AI development often employs specialized tools and technologies like TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, OpenCV, and others. Additionally, programming languages like Python, R, and Julia are commonly used.

6. How can Generative AI be applied to drive innovation and improvement in various industries?

Generative AI can be applied in industries like healthcare (medical imaging, drug discovery), finance (risk analysis, portfolio management), marketing (content creation, personalization), and more, to drive innovation, efficiency, and growth.

7. What are the key ethical considerations and concerns surrounding Generative AI development and deployment?

Ethical considerations include data privacy, bias, fairness, transparency, accountability, and potential misuse. Developers and users must address these concerns to ensure responsible AI development and deployment.

8. Can you provide examples of real-world applications and success stories of Generative AI?

Examples include AI-generated art, music, and writing, as well as applications in healthcare (disease diagnosis), finance (credit risk assessment), and marketing (personalized content generation).

9. Is a computer science background necessary to pursue a career in Generative AI, or are there alternative paths?

While a computer science background can be helpful, it's not the only path to a career in Generative AI. Professionals from other fields like mathematics, statistics, or engineering can also transition into Generative AI roles with proper training and expertise.

10. What are the potential career paths and opportunities available after completing Generative AI training?

Career paths include Generative AI engineer, AI researcher, data scientist, machine learning engineer, and more. Opportunities exist in various industries, including tech, healthcare, finance, and marketing.

11. What if I have additional questions or need further clarification on any aspect of the program?

You can reach out to the program instructors, support team, or mentors for clarification or guidance on any aspect of the program.

12. Will I have the opportunity to experience a free demo or trial before enrolling in Brolly Academy's Generative AI Training program?

Experience the Easygurus difference with our free demo classes for the Generative AI training program. We invite all interested candidates and students to join us for a preview of our comprehensive training, expert instruction, and hands-on learning approach.

13. What is the fee for the Generative AI training program in Hyderabad, and are there any flexible payment options available?

For details on the Generative AI training fee in Hyderabad, please reach out to our team.