Course Syllabus
Introduction to AWS (30 mins)
a. Introduction to Cloud Computing
b. Introduction to IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
c. Introduction to Regions and Availability Zones (AZ)
IAM – Identity and Access Managment (30 mins)
a. Authentication
b. Authorization
c. Introduction to IAM Users, Groups, Role and Policies
i. Create IAM Group, IAM User and IAM Role
S3 – Simple Storage Service (90 mins)
a. Introduction to Amazon Simple Storage Service
b. Object Storage vis-à-vis traditional storage
c. Introduction to Buckets and Objects
i. Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete Buckets and Objects
d. S3 Encryption, Versioning, Bucket Policies
EC2 – Elastic Compute Cloud (60 mins)
a. Introduction to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Service
b. EC2 Fundamentals
i. Instance Types
ii. AMI (Amazon Machine Image)
iii. Security Groups
c. Accessing EC2 Instance
i. Launch and Connect to a Linux Instance
d. Managing EC2 Instance
EBS – Elastic Block Store (60 mins)
a. Introduction to Amazon Elastic Block Service
b. EBS Fundamentals
i. Volume Types
ii. Snapshots
c. Accessing EBS Volume
i. Create and Attach EBS Volume to EC2
VPC – Virtual Private Cloud (180 mins)
a. VPC Fundamentals
b. Components of a VPC
i. Subnets
ii. Route Table
iii. Security Groups
iv. Network Access Control Lists (NACL)
c. Optional Components of a VPC
i. Internet Gateway
ii. Network Address Translation (NAT) Gateway
iii. EIP Addresses
iv. Endpoints
d. Create a custom VPC with public and private subnets
ELB – Elastic Load Balancing (60 mins)
a. ELB Fundamentals
b. Types of Load Balancer
i. Internet-Facing Load Balancer
ii. Internal Load Balancer
iii. HTTPS Load Balancer
c. Load Balancer Listener
d. Create a HTTPS Load Balancer with EC2 Instances as backend
Auto Scaling (60 mins)
a. Auto Scaling Fundamentals
b. Types of Auto Scaling
i. Main Instance Count
ii. Manual Scaling
iii. Scheduled Scaling
iv. Dynamic Scaling
c. Launch Configurations
d. Auto Scaling Groups
e. Create a Web Application with EC2 Instance with Auto Scaling
Route53 (60 mins)
a. DNS Fundamentals
b. Amazon Route53 Overview
c. DNS Record Types
d. DNS Routing Policies
Integration Services (60 mins)
a. Amazon Simple Queueing Service (SQS) Fundamentals
b. Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) Fundamentals
c. Create a SQS Queue, send and receive messages
d. Create a SNS Topic, subscribe and publish messages