Digital Marketing Training in Hyderabad


100% Placement Assistance

Digital Marketing Training in Hyderabad

Batch Details

Details Name Full Details
Trainers Name:
Chaithanya Krishna, Swathy
Trainers Experience:
10+ Years, 22+ Years
Next Batch Date:
15th of Every Month New Batch Starts
Training Modes:
Online and offline Training (Instructor-Led)
Course Duration:
3 months (offline & online)
Call us at:
+91 90320 18369
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Digital Marketing Course Content

Module 1 - Marketing Basics

1. What is Marketing? – Understanding Definitions & Meaning in detail.

2. 4 P’s of Marketing – Marketing Mix and Its importance

3. Types of Online Business and their Objectives.

4. Definitions of Branding, Marketing, Advertising, Promotions and Sales

5. Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP).

6. Real World Case Study Examples.

Module 2 - Digital Marketing Basics

1. What is Digital Marketing?

2. Types of Digital Marketing?

3. Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing

4. Traditional Marketing Funnel

5. Digital Marketing Funnel

6. What are Impressions?

7. Brand/Product Visibility

8. What is CTR & How is it calculated?

9. What is Traffic?

10. Types of Traffic based on the source

11. Types of Traffic based on the Audience

12. Difference between targeted traffic & non-targeted traffic

13. What are leads?

14. What are sales?

15. What is Visitor Engagement?

16. How to increase Visitor Engagement?

17. What is Bounce Rate?

18. How to decrease bounce rate?

19. How to convert Traffic into Leads or sales?

Module 3 - Earning Money Online (A brief Introduction)

1. Different ways to earn money online from websites.

2. Different ways to earn money online using videos.

3. Importance of blog in making money online.

4. What is Google AdSense

5. How to get your website approved for Google AdSense

6. Determining Ad positions and earning money from AdSense.

7. How to earn money by Making Videos and uploading them on YouTube Videos

8. YouTube AdSense and tricks to get your channel monetized

9. Other monetization methods on You tube

10. Earning money from YouTube even before YouTube Monetization

11. Earning Money From Affiliate Marketing

12. Step by Step process on how to earn money from Affiliate Networks.

13. More ways to monetize video content online -Skill share, Udemy &more

Module 4 - World of Web & Importance of website in Digital Marketing

1. What is a Web Browser? & types of browsers

2. Difference between browsers and Search Engines.

3. What is a Webpage?

4. what is a Website?

5. What do you need to create a Website?

6. What is a Domain name?

7. What are Domain extensions?

8. How to choose a domain name for your Website?

9.How to buy a domain name?

10. What is a hosting space/server?

11. Different types of hosting

12. Which type of hosting to buy?

13. How to choose a best hosting provider?

14. Buying Hosting online.

Module 5 - Website Creation with WordPress

1. What is CMS?

2. Why WordPress?

3. How to install WordPress on Local host (Your personal computer)?

4. How to install WordPress on Server?

5. WordPress Dashboard Brief

6. What are Pages?

7. What are Posts?

8. Difference between Pages and Posts?

9. How to create a Page and a Post?

10. What are categories?

11. How to create categories?

12. How to create different types of menus in WordPress?

13. Different types of Widgets and their usage

14. What is a Theme and its Importance

15. How to install a theme and activate it?

16. How to choose the Right Theme for your website?

17. What are Plugins? and their Importance

18. How to allow / block the crawling for your website?

19. Page Builder plugins for designing custom pages

20. How to design a Home page?

21. How to create a Blog?

22. How to create Contact forms and registration forms on your website?

23. How to create an E-commerce website for free?

24. How to integrate a Payment Gateway (adding payment links) to your website?

25. How to build a sales funnel on WordPress?

26. How to optimize images on your website?

26. How to optimize your website for loading fast?

27. How to handle your website security?

28. How to maintain backups for your website?

29. List of very important plugins that are must for a website

30. Changing URL structure for SEO purpose.

31. Add live chat options to your websites

Module 6 - Introduction & Basics of SEO

1. What is SEO?

2. Different types of SEO

3. What are the advantages of SEO?

4. Disadvantages of SEO

5. What is SERP?

6. Understand Search Results

7. How google works in the backend?

8. What is Crawling?

9. What is Indexing?

10. Rank Math Algorithm and importance of relevancy

11. What is Google Sandbox?

12. Does Google Sandbox Exist?

13. Google Algorithm updates.

14. Special note on Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird updates.

15. Note Latest Bret Update & Upcoming Web Vitals Update.

16. Step by Step process on how to do SEO for a new website?

Module 7 - Keyword Research

1. What are Keywords?

2. Different types of Keywords for SEO purpose.

3. Differentiating keywords based in user intentions.

4. What is search volume? and its importance.

5. What are LSI keywords?

6. What are intent defining keywords

7. Difference between money making keywords and informational keywords

8. How to get new keyword Ideas using Google

9. Tools to use for more keyword ideas

10. How to find search volume and tools to use?

11. Keywords Research Process

12. How to find profitable keywords for your business?

13. How to analyse difficulty of keyword?

14. How to analyse competitor keywords?

15. Deciding on keywords to target.

16. How to create strategies on how to outrank your competitors?

Module 8 - Content Writing

1. Generating content ideas

2. Forming a content framework/blueprint

3. Essential elements that your content should contain.

4. How to proofread or check the content for grammatical errors?

5. What is Plagiarism?

6. How to check the plagiarism of the content.

7. Best practices in content writing

Module 9 - ON Page Optimization

1. Fundamental ON Page Factors.

2. How to write SEO optimized title for your Web Page/Post.

3. How to write attractive and description to get more clicks.

4. Best practices in writing page/post URLs to rank better

5. How to optimize the different types of Headings

6. The core content optimization principles.

7. How to use LSI keywords, synonyms and intent words for better rankings.

8. Structuring your webpage and prioritizing content for SEO

9. How to optimize Images on the website for image rankings.

10. Importance of Image file name, Image Alt tag and its size.

11.Optimizing content for visual search appearance

12.Importance of questioning words & FAQs on your page/post.

13.Importance of videos and optimizing videos on the page/post.

14.How to use SEO tools to cross check the ON page factors implementation.

Module 10 - Technical SEO

1. Basics of Technical SEO

2. Website Structure & navigation optimization for SEO

3. Indexability of the website.

4. Tracking and fixing indexing errors.

5. Importance of Internal linking in SEO

6. Impact of Page Speed on SEO

7. Using GT Metrix & Lighthouse for speed reports.

8. Importance of UX Signals for SEO

9. Core web vitals and their importance.

10. Robots.txt & Sitemap.xml creation.

11. HTTPS & Website Security

12. Tracking and fixing broken links

13. custom 404 page

14. Importance of mobile responsiveness & mobile compatibility.

15. Touch friendly factors to boost UX and site rankings.

16. Other Technical aspects to monitor

Module 11 - Advanced SEO

1. What are Rich snippets.

2. Different types of Rich snippets.

3. How to optimize content for different types of featured snippets.

4. How to create site link snippet?

5. How to create Product, Rating, Review snippets?

6. FAQ Snippets and their benefits.

7. Importance of structured data tables on webpages/posts.

8. Other types of snippets and their optimization techniques.

9. Creating AMP pages and their benefits

Module 12 - OFF Page SEO

1. What is OFF Page SEO?

2. Difference between ON Page and OFF Page.

3. Why is OFF Page SEO important?

4. Backlinks and their importance

5. What are backlinks

6. Types of backlinks

7. Do’s & Don’ts in Link Building

8. Importance of Anchor text in link building

9. What is Domain authority?

10. How to check a Websites Domain Authority?

11. How to increase a Websites Domain Authority?

12. What is spam score?

13. How to check for your websites spam score

14. Getting High quality Backlinks

15. Email marketing for backlinks

16. Link Building strategies

17. Advanced techniques in Link building

18. Unnatural links and their disadvantages

19. Monitoring Link Profile of your website

20. Maintaining Link health to avoid penalties

21. Process to remove spam links using disavowing tool

22. Establishing Brand Signals to boot rankings

23. EAT & their value

24. Other Key OFF Page techniques

Module 13 - Local SEO – Location Based SEO

1. Basics of Local SEO – What, why, how

2. The Map Pack – understanding the local SEO results.

3. Keyword Research for Local SEO

4. Create a listing on Google My Business (GMB)

5. Key optimization factors in GMB

6. Product listing, Services listing in GMB

7. GMB website builder tool.

9. Importance of images optimization and posts in GMB

10. What are NAP Citations

11. Importance of citations in Local SEO

12. Key local SEO Ranking factors

13. Importance of Social Presence & check-in’s for local SEO.

14. Importance of Online reputation Management for Local SEO.

Module 14 - Google Search Console

1. What is Google Search Console?

2. Importance and uses of Google Search Console (GSC)

3. How to integrate your website with GSC?

4. Different types of website verification methods?

5. Setting Geo-target locations.

6. Analysing keywords, their positions and CTR’s

7. Comparing results over time of different keywords.

8. Filtering keyword analysis over countries, devices and more.

9. Check for indexability

10. How to request for Page indexing

11. How to check for snippets and errors.

12. Fixing crawl errors.

13. Monitor and fix mobile responsive errors.

14. Monitoring and fixing Web load speed issues.

15. Monitoring and fixing page not found errors.

16. How to use GSC for more keyword opportunities and ideas.

Module 15 - SEO - BONUS MODULE

1. How to earn money from SEO

2. New website SEO step by step process

3. SEO Optimization check list

4. Creating SEO Performance report

5. SEO Interview Questions

6. Free SEO tools list

7. Paid SEO tool exposure.

8. SEO techniques E-book & Material

9. SEO site Audits

Module 16 - Search Engine Marketing / Google Ads

1. What is SEM?

2. Difference between SEO & SEM?

3. Inorganic Search Results

4. Introduction to Google AdWords & Pay Per Click Advertising

5. Setting up a Google AdWords Account

6. AdWords Dashboard overview & Walkthrough

7. Types of networks in Google Ads

8. Different types of campaigns

9. Types of Ads

10. How to create a Text Ad

11. Different types of Text Ad extensions.

13. Do’s and Don’ts in Text Ads

14. Google Ads Account Structure

15. Types of cost models in Google Ads

16. Different types of keywords in Google Ads.

17. How Google Ads define Ad positions

18. Factors that influence Quality Score.

19. How to increase your Ads Quality score.

20. Creating High Quality Landing pages

21. Different types of bidding strategies

22. How google Bidding/Auction works

23. Key terms in Google Ads – Impressions, Clicks, CTR, Avg CPC, Conversions, Conversion rate, Cost, Cost per Conversion, Impression rate, Avg CPM, Avg CPV, conversion value, conversion value per cost.

24. How to launch a search campaign

25. Choosing Campaign objective, Campaign and Ad Types.

26. Naming a Campaign

27. Choosing a network

28. Choosing Target audience – Language targeting, Location Targeting, Demographics, Retargeting, interest based targeting

29. Getting your Ad budgets right

30. Creating Ad Groups.

31. Creating Ad copies.

32. Types of Display Ads

33. Launching a display campaign

34. Types of Video Ads

35. Launching a video campaign

36. Ad optimization score and tips to improve

37. Conversion tracking

38. Generation Google Ads Reports

Module 17 - Google Analytics (GA4)

1. Introduction to Google Analytics

2. How Google Analytics works?

3. How to set up Analytics Account for your website?

4. Google Analytics Dashboard

5. Analyzing Audience

6. Analyzing website traffic Sources/Channels

7. Analyzing Audience Demographics

8. Analyzing traffic Behavioral flow

9. Analyzing traffic location & Languages

10. Goals and Conversions

11. How to set up Goals?

12. Types of Goals

13. How to Integrate AdWords and Analytics account?

14.  How to set up Filters?

15. How to Generate reports in Google Analytics?

Module 18 - Email Marketing

1. What is Email Marketing?

2. Email Marketing Basics

3. Advantages of Email Marketing.

4. Types of Email Marketing

5. Do and Don’ts in Email Marketing.

6. Email Marketing Platforms – tools.

7. Using Email marketing tools for Lead Generation.

8. Auto-Responders.

9. Designing Newsletters.

10. Creating mailing sequences

11. Generating sales from Email Marketing – Product sales, Affiliate sales

12. Avoiding spam folder – Double option.

13. Bulk Emailing.

14. Best practices to send bulk emails.

15. Reports Metrics and Analysis.

16. A/B Testing & Improving ROI.

17. Mail blast

18. Best tool for Bulk mailing

19. Writing subject lines for high CTR

Module 19 - Introduction to Social Media & Facebook

1. Social Media and its Importance in Digital Marketing.

2. SMM Vs Social Media Optimization (SMO).

3. Introduction to Facebook.

4. Facebook account setup.

5. Facebook for Personal Account and Its Elements.

6. Creating a post.

7. Facebook Page for businesses.

8. Different Types of Business pages offered by Facebook.

9. Profile Pic and Cover photo dimensions for pages.

10. Types of Posts and Statistics.

11. Hashtags and its advantages.

12. Facebook Page Designing.

13. Engaging Fans and Increase the Likes.

14. Page management options.

15. Facebook Events creation.

16. Facebook Insights.

17. Facebook Groups.

18. Facebook groups & types of groups

19. Importance and advantages of running a community on Facebooks

Module 20 - Facebook Advertising

1. Introduction to Facebook Advertisements.

2. Difference between Facebook Advertising and Google Search Advertisements.

3. Types of Promotions with Facebook Advertisement.

4. Targeting the Audience.

5. Advanced Audience Targeting.

6. Ad Formats.

7. Conversion Tracking.

8. Integrating Facebook Pixel with your website.

9. Retargeting on Facebook.

10. Understanding Facebook’s ads account structure

11. Creating landing Pages/Funnels for Ads.

12. Important tips and tricks to create successful landing pages/funnels.

13. Understanding campaign Structure and their objectives.

14. Running different types of campaigns on Facebook.

15. Different types of targeting on Facebook

16. Age, gender, location, Behavior, interest and other demographics based audience targeting.

17. Other different types of targeting

18. Optimizing and Spending controls

19. Ad copy creation techniques and types.

20. Ad creative design and types.

21. Creating and setting up Pixel

22. Custom conversion tracking

23. Attributions

24. Audience Retargeting

25. Remarking with custom audience

26. Remarking with Lookalike audience

27. Creating campaign with lookalike audience

28. Metrics & Optimizations

29. How to handle negative comments on Facebook Ads

30. Scaling Facebook Ads – Scaling with Audience expansion, Ad set scaling , CBO scaling , Ad account , Snipper method

31. How to work as a Freelancer running Ads for clients

Module 21 - Instagram

1. What is Instagram Marketing

2. Why should you use Instagram for your business

3. How to increase followers on Instagram

4. Tips to get good Engagement on Instagram

5. Best Instagram Marketing Tactics

6. Instagram Hashtags

7. Instagram Stories & their importance

8. 60 seconds on Instagram – Instagram Video Ads.

9. Instagram paid advertising

10. IGTV and its importance

Module 22 - LinkedIn Marketing

1. Introduction to LinkedIn.

2. LinkedIn for SEO.

3. Benefits of LinkedIn Network.

4. LinkedIn Profile Creation.

5. Optimizing the profile.

6. Skills and Endorsements.

7. Recommendations on LinkedIn.

8. Adding new connections.

9. LinkedIn Posts.

10.LinkedIn Groups.

11. Finding Jobs on LinkedIn.

12. Creating a business page on LinkedIn.

13. LinkedIn business page customization.

14. LinkedIn Page Posts.

15. Retargeting Profile views

16. Retargeting LinkedIn Marketing

17. Leads Generation in LinkedIn

18. Types of Ads in LinkedIn

19. Different types of Ads in LinkedIn

20. Different types of campaigns and objectives

21. Audience targeting

22. Adformats & Placements

23. Budget & scheduling

24. Conversion tracking

25. LinkedIn Audience network

26. Lookalike Audience

27. Custom Audience

Module 23 - Content Marketing/Writing

1. Exploring content ideas

2. Content research

3. Tips to write good quality content

4. Content Spinning techniques

5. Plagiarism check for content

6. Readability check for content

Module 24 - Affiliate Marketing

1. Introduction to Affiliate Marketing.

2. How Affiliate Marketing Works?

3. Earning Money from Affiliate Marketing.

4. Affiliate Marketing Networks.

5. Affiliate Marketing Niches research

6. Affiliate Marketing execution & Tips

7. Affiliate Marketing Tools.

8. Best proven strategies to make money from Affiliate Marketing.

9. Live Case Studies.

10. Amazon Affiliate Network – Physical Products – India & US

11. Impact Affiliate Network – Digital Products & Services

12. Admitad Affiliate Network

13. Other Popular Affiliate Network – Click bank , JV-zoo, Commission Junction

Module 25 - YouTube Marketing

1.YouTube Marketing Introduction.

2. Creating Channel on YouTube.

3. Types of Videos.

4. Uploading video.

5. YouTube Video SEO.

6. Annotations and End Cards.

7. How to use Playlists.

8. Understanding Copyrights and Spam.

9. YouTube Creator Studio Dashboard.

10. YouTube Analytics.

11. YouTube channel Suspension, Policy Violation rules.

12. How to create different types of videos

13. Screen recording tools

14. Video making tools

15. Video editing tools

16. How to upload videos on YouTube

17. YouTube SEO ranking factors

18. Keyword Research for YouTube

19. YouTube Title , description , Tags optimization

20. How to design attractive thumbnails

21. End screens and cards

22. How to use Playlists

23. YouTube SEO tools for Ranking

24. Understanding Copyrights and claims

25. Making Money from YouTube

26. YouTube AdSense Monetization Tricks & Tips

27. YouTube Partner Program YPP approval

28. YouTube comment moderation

Module 26 - Personal Branding

1. What is a brand ?

2. Brand story

3. Brand Focus

4. Brand Positioning

5. Difference between Personal brand & organizational brand

6. Step by step process of personal brands

7. Branding Themes – Color Strategies

8. Structuring your brand

9. Branding on Social Media

10. Measuring Brand Success

Module 27 - Freelancing

1. Best Freelancing sites.

2. Creating a profile in Freelancing websites.

3. Applying for works on Freelancing websites.

4. Tips for getting projects on Freelancing websites.

5. Establishing network to get freelancing projects

6. Writing professional email to clients.

Module 28 - Entrepreneurship

1. Basics of Entrepreneurship

2. Finding & Testing Business idea

3. Entrepreneurship Foundations

4. Creating Business plan

5. Raising Funds for Startup

6. Types of companies in India

7. Payment Gateways India & Foreign

Module 29 - WhatsApp Marketing

1. What is WhatsApp marketing

2. Advantages & Importance WhatsApp marketing

3. Why is WhatsApp marketing so effective

4. How to do WhatsApp marketing

5. Bulk WhatsApp marketing tools

6. Send messages to unsaved contacts

7. Writing Attractive copies for WhatsApp marketing

8. Best practices in WhatsApp marketing

Module 30 - Paid Tools Covered

1. Ahrefs

2. Semrush

3. MOZ

4. Canva/Crello

5. WOO Rank

6. Keyword Tool

7. Alexa

8. Uber suggest – Pro

9. Page builders in WordPress elements Kit & Brizzy Pro

10. WordPress Image Optimizations – ShortPixel Pro

11. WordPress Plugin – Rankmath Pro

12. WordPress Backups – WPVivid

13. Liguix & Grammarly

14. Keyword

15. Frase – SEO content research and content generation

16. Labricka – SEO Audit tool

17. Beacon & Designer – E-book creator

18. Publer , Social Bee, Content Studio – Social Media

19. Vid IQ & Tube Buddy – Video marketing

20. Mailchimp & Krim mail – email marketing

21. Keyword Planner

22. Pabbly – Automations

23. Botstar – Message marketing

24. Microsoft clarity – user behavior

25. Loom/Clapboard/ Bcast – Screen Recorders

26. Vidnami/ Invideo – Video making

27. Web signals – Online Reputation Management

Module 31 - Resources Provided
  1. Notes/PPT’s / Material – Ebook
  2. Interview Questions Pdf
  3. Sample Resumes
  4. Free Themes and plugins.
  5. List of websites to follow for updates
  6. List of Websites for SEO Backlinks
  7. Access to Digital Brolly’s Private Facebook Group
  8. Job Openings updates
  9. Paid Plugins and Plugins Access
Module 32 - Job Oriented Sessions

1. Interview Questions

2. Resume Preparation

3. Digital Marketing Terminology

Module 33 - Certifications

1. Google AdWords certification

2. Brolly Course completion certificate

3. Internship Certificate with brolly

4. 1 Year work Experience certificate**

5. Google Ads search certification

6. Google Ads Display certification

7. Google Ads Video certification

8. Google Ads Measurement certification

9. HubSpot Certifications

Digital Marketing Training In Hyderabad

Key Points

Expert Trainers: Our team, including chaithanya krishna and swathy, boasts over 15 years of digital marketing experience, delivering top-tier training.
Advanced Training: Our in-depth course covers essential skills in SEO, Google Ads, and Meta Ads, critical for careers in digital marketing.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Over 3 months, learn from 30+ modules covering basics to advanced topics such as SEO, Google Ads, Meta Ads, email marketing, and more.
Placement Guarantee: With our 100% placement guarantee, we provide hands-on training and internships to ensure job placement within 3 months.
Broad Benefits: Our course not only helps job seekers but also equips entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals with skills to manage and grow their businesses globally.
Practical Approach: Unlike other institutes, we blend theory with practical exercises and live projects for a hands-on learning experience.
Proven Success: Since 2017, Digital Eazygurus has trained over 5000 individuals. In the past year alone, 450+ of our 500+ students have successfully secured jobs.
Expert Mentorship: Our 40+ team members, including 15+ digital marketers, are available to mentor you and provide support throughout your learning journey.
Real-World Case Studies: We offer extensive case studies to teach practical digital marketing practical skills and their real-world applications.
Extended Support: Enjoy 365 days of post-training support, including guidance and suggestions, until you are successfully placed and beyond.

About Digital Marketing Training

in Hyderabad

While the internet has been around for decades, digital marketing has only recently emerged as the dominant force in advertising. Today, digital marketing is essential for any business aiming to stay competitive in the marketplace. It involves promoting products or services through online platforms like social media and websites to enhance brand visibility and boost customer engagement.

At Eazygurus, we offer the premier Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad, designed to help students build successful careers in this field. Our program is not only tailored for students but also supports marketers and entrepreneurs looking to master digital marketing and advance their businesses.

As a leading Digital Marketing Institute in Hyderabad, we provide a comprehensive course with internship and placement guarantees.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing, sometimes referred to as online or internet marketing, is the umbrella term for all online marketing initiatives. While digital marketing has been around for quite some time, it gained significant popularity in India after Jio entered the market with its free internet offerings. Digital marketing is essential to your brand exposure and business. You can use internet marketing to boost sales of your products.

It is more affordable, and the analytics enable you to track your progress every day. Any form of advertising that communicates with consumers through electronic devices and the internet is considered digital marketing.

Digital marketing is a collection of online marketing strategies, including SEO, SEM, SMO, SMM, and email marketing. It is not a single marketing tactic.

Why Choose Digital Marketing Course?

Updated Course Curriculum

Our Digital Marketing Course curriculum is continuously updated to ensure you learn the most current and effective strategies in digital marketing. We aim to provide you with a thorough understanding and a strong foundation to advance your career in this dynamic field.

Live Project Execution

Gain practical experience through live digital marketing campaigns and assignments supervised by our expert trainers. We focus on equipping you with the technical skills and real-world knowledge needed to excel in digital marketing.

Experienced Instructors

Our industry-leading digital marketing trainers are committed to your success. They provide top-notch training to help you leverage digital marketing effectively and drive results for your business.

Flexible Class Schedules

We offer a variety of class times throughout the week, allowing you to choose a schedule that fits your needs. Our classes are accessible globally, making it easy to learn from anywhere at your convenience.

Post-Training Support

Receive dedicated job placement assistance to help you secure a role in digital marketing. Our team is dedicated to guiding you through the job search process and connecting you with potential employers in the industry.

LMS Access

Upon enrollment, you’ll receive free access to our online Learning Management System (LMS), which includes exclusive video recordings, live training sessions, assignments, and case studies to enhance your learning experience.

Digital Marketing Training Modes

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Basic to advance level

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Daily recorded videos

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Live project included

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Course Material Dumps

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons 100% Placement assistance

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Whatsapp Group Access

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Lifetime Video Access

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Basic to advance level

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Doubt Clearing Session

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Course Material Dumps

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Certification Guidance

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Interview Guidance

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Basic to advance level

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Flexible Batch Timings

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Live project included

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Course Material Dumps

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons 100% Placement assistance

Check mark - Free shapes and symbols icons Whatsapp Group Access

Digital Marketing Training Highlights

Interactive Sessions

We conduct our training sessions in small groups, with each group limited to a maximum of 20 members. This structure allows trainers to provide personalized attention and encourages interactive learning.

Expert Trainers

Our team of expert trainers in Digital Marketing is highly skilled, with a track record of excellence and practical experience in digital marketing jobs.

Course Material

Students will receive Digital Marketing course materials to review and refresh their knowledge anytime. This helps you revisit key concepts and stay on track with your learning.

Real Time Training

Reading helps you remember, listening helps you learn, and practicing helps you master. We provide training on real-time projects so you can practice and achieve perfection. This commitment ensures you gain both theoretical knowledge and practical experience through hands-on application.

Certification Guidance

Upon passing our internal Digital Marketing certification program test, we certify you as a Digital Marketing professional. Additionally, we provide support to help you clear Google certified certifications, making you a preferred candidate for companies.

Paid Tools Access

Digital marketing tools are crucial for driving growth. The right tools are essential for planning your marketing strategies effectively. We offer access to top paid tools used by leading digital marketing companies to enhance your business.

Market Trend in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is one of the fastest-growing sectors, expanding at an annual rate of 25% to 30%.
The digital advertising and marketing market was valued at $560 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach $786.2 billion by 2026.
The digital marketing and advertising market in the United States is currently valued at $670 billion.
Over the past year, 68% of businesses have increased their digital marketing budgets.
According to 51% of businesses, organic search offers the highest return on investment in marketing.
Nearly 47% of customers choose to buy online and pick up their purchases in-store.

Student Testimonials Digital Marketing Training

I am extremely satisfied with the training provided at Eazygurus. The Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad surpassed all my expectations. The trainer's deep expertise and exceptional communication skills made a significant impact, equipping me with all the necessary skills. My experience with Eazygurus was truly enriching.
After extensive research, I chose Eazygurus for my Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad, and I’m thrilled with my decision. The trainers are highly knowledgeable and excellent communicators, making complex topics easy to grasp. The practical approach and frequent assessments kept me engaged and enhanced my learning experience.
Dilip Patil
Transitioning from traditional marketing to digital marketing was a smooth process thanks to Eazygurus. The digital marketing training in Hyderabad exceeded my expectations. The trainers’ expertise and hands-on approach gave me the confidence to adapt to the digital landscape with ease. Eazygurus was truly enriching.
My experience with Eazygurus's Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad was outstanding. The trainers were approachable, and their ability to simplify complex concepts made the learning process enjoyable. The academy’s supportive and motivating environment fostered a strong sense of community among students. I am grateful for the valuable knowledge and skills I gained, which have been crucial in my career.
As someone from a non-technical background, I was initially hesitant about joining this course. However, after participating in a free demo class, I felt confident enrolling. The hands-on training provided by Eazygurus thoroughly covered the latest digital marketing technologies. Thanks to their effective placement program, I am now well-prepared for the field. My experience with Eazygurus was truly enriching.
I enrolled in Eazygurus's Digital Marketing Training in Hyderabad with high hopes, and they exceeded all my expectations. The trainers demonstrated extensive knowledge and provided practical insights for excelling in digital marketing campaigns. The hands-on experience with various tools and platforms gave me a competitive edge. Eazygurus’s dedication to excellence and personalized attention make them stand out. azygurus was truly enriching.
Risikesh Pandey

Digital Marketing Training In Hyderabad


  • Google Ads Certification

  • Facebook Blueprint Certification

  • Google Digital Marketing Certification

  • HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification

  • HubSpot Social Media Marketing Certification

  • Twitter Flight School Certification

  • LinkedIn Learning Digital Marketing Courses

  • YouTube Creator Academy Certification

  • Google Analytics Certification

Skills develop after the course

Create and manage websites using WordPress.
Develop content tailored for optimal search engine performance.
Manage and run advertising campaigns on Google and various social media platforms.
Set up and enhance social media profiles for maximum effectiveness.
Formulate and execute strategies for impactful content marketing.
Conduct bulk email campaigns with effective marketing techniques.
Gain practical experience with various paid digital marketing tools.
Conduct both on-page and off-page SEO activities to improve website visibility.

Tools covered

Job opportunities after course

Digital Marketing Manager
Digital Marketing Associate
Digital Marketing Team Lead
Content Strategist
SEO and SEM Specialist
Social Media Manager

Frequently Asked Questions - Digital Marketing Training

1. Who Should Take This Digital Marketing Course?

This course is perfect for students, professionals, entrepreneurs, and anyone eager to boost their digital marketing skills and advance their career.

2. What Does the Digital Marketing Course Syllabus Include?

Our syllabus covers essential digital marketing topics such as SEO, SMM, SEM, SMO, Content Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, and more. The course features hands-on demonstrations by expert marketers.

3. What Salary Can I Expect After Completing the Course?

Salaries for digital marketing roles can vary based on location. For instance, salaries in Hyderabad may differ from those in Bangalore, Mumbai, or Delhi. As a fresh graduate in Hyderabad, you can expect a salary range of Rs 3 LPA to 6 LPA. Experienced professionals may see a 40% to 100% salary increase, depending on their experience.

4. How Can I Learn Digital Marketing from Home?

You can conveniently learn digital marketing from home through our online classes or by purchasing our video training courses.

5. Does the Job Assistance Program Guarantee Employment?

While we provide comprehensive preparation for jobs and internships, actual employment depends on your performance in interviews and the job market.

6. How Long Will It Take to Learn Digital Marketing?

Our Digital Marketing Course is designed to be completed in 2-3 months. Following the course, we offer assistance with placements and internships.

7. Can I Attend a Free Demo Before Enrolling at Eazygurus?

Absolutely! We offer a free demo of our Digital Marketing course to help you decide before you commit.

8. What Are the Fees for the Digital Marketing Course?

Our course fees are highly affordable at Eazygurus, with flexible installment payment options available.

9. What If I Miss a Class?

If you miss a class, you can contact us for details on the next available session or arrange a one-on-one training session based on the trainer’s availability.

10. Who Can Benefit from This Digital Marketing Course?

This course is suitable for students, professionals, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to enhance their digital marketing expertise and career prospects.

11. Is Prior Experience Required to Join This Course?

No prior experience is necessary. Our course caters to both beginners and those with some existing knowledge, covering both fundamental and advanced topics.

12. What Topics Will the Course Cover?

The course includes training in SEO, SEM, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, web analytics, and more, with practical, hands-on experience.

13. Will I Receive a Certificate Upon Completion?

Yes, you will earn a certificate upon successfully completing the course, which can enhance your resume and career opportunities.